joi, 27 august 2009

Mie nu mi-a placut niciodata Madonna

Stiu ca toata lumea vorbeste despre ea. Dar nu conteaza.

Nu inteleg de ce este o asa mare artista din moment ce canta numai note simple, se bazeaza mult pe backing vocals (iar negresa de aseara dadea de zece ori mai bine decat ea) si nu ma misca in nici un fel.

Adica muzica de care te indragostesti trebuie sa te faca sa o simti, sa traiesti odata cu artistul, sa iti intre in vene.

Sa canti odata cu el, sa vrei sa fi fost tu cel care a inventat piesa, sa te simti in picioarele lui, sa il asculti pe strada, in masina, acasa, la vecini. Sa ii ceri bis-uri la final si sa nu te saturi niciodata de atata bis.

Sa te miste artistul insusi cand apare pe scena, asa cum a fost momentul Michael Jackson redivivus de aseara si asa cum face Cohen oriunde apare, chiar imbatranit si molcom cum e acum. Fara artificii si reflectoare si masini scumpe si trupa de lautari si tone de dansatori care sa scoata show-ul. Fara copiii din flori ai PR-ului american.

Pai pentru un concert Robbie Williams mi-as vinde un rinichi :)

joi, 20 august 2009

Daca ar fi sa fac un scurt metraj

Scena 1.
Un baietel de 8-9 ani modeleaza plastilina. Se termina orele la scoala, iese in fata curtii, asteapta bus-ul sa se duca acasa. Copiii trec pe langa el, ii aude, ii simte. Vara, uniforma cade grea, camasa il strange putin, ochii il ustura, are un inceput de conjunctivita.

Scena 2.
Bus-ul traverseaza orasul, copii dorm cu capetele rezemate de geamuri. Baiatul sta drept, se tine cu mana de scaunul din fata, se uita fix la sofer. Are un neg cam mare pe urechea dreapta, in fata este o trecere de pietoni. Busul merge cam repede, pune frana la trecere. Cam brusc. Copiii se trezesc din toropeala, vreo doi s-au lovit cu capetele de geamuri. Soferul se da jos din bus, se opreste putin nedumerit, se duce in fata bus-ului. De jos ridica inerta o fata cam la vreo 12 ani. O fata frumoasa, cu maini albe, un par frumos.

Scena 3.
Copilul in bucatarie, mama ii pune masa. Mai pune o mana de rufe la spalat, aseaza farfuria pe masa, tacamurile. Copilul ii spune despre bus. Despre fata, ca era putin mai mare decat el. Ce par frumos avea. Mama il pupa pe obraz si-l trimite sa se spele pe maini.

Scena 4.
Copilul la aniversarea de 17 ani. Colegii lui acasa, asteptau tortul, unii fumau in baie, ii invitase mama. Copilul pipaie cartile Braille pe care le primise de ziua lui, ce povesti frumoase. Prezentatoarea de stiri de la TV spune de o tanara, statuse in coma aproape 10 ani. Un caz extraordinar pentru medicina, si-a revenit spectaculos si toata familia o asteapta acasa. Tot ce isi aminteste este ca a fost lovita de o masina pe trecerea de pietoni. Ar fi putut sa jure ca au trecut cateva ore, cand de fapt trecusera 10 ani. Nu mai stia daca e vis sau realitate ca viata statuse in loc.

duminică, 16 august 2009


V-ati prins de slabiciunea mea pentru copii, de cand tot scriu aici.

In fine. Ideea e ca de curand aflu intamplator de un copil cu o boala ciudata, complicata, nah. Si familia lui mai are nevoie de ceva bani – putini, nu multi – ca sa completeze pentru operatia in afara tarii (logic, ca aici nu sunt resurse, medici etcccccc.). Si ca sa ma ocup eu etc etc.

Si incep eu intai la apropiati. Dati cateva zeci de lei, cat un suc, nu conteaza. Mai putin decat daca ai lua taxiul dintr-o parte in alta a Bucurestiului. Nici o reactie. Aceeasi oameni care daca e ziua unuia dintre ei te nenorocesc cu telefoanele sa pui bani la cadou.

Fi-mi-ar scarba.

vineri, 14 august 2009

Cel mai frumos text? :)

Now in Vienna there`s ten pretty women
There`s a shoulder where death comes to cry
There`s a lobby with nine hundred windows
There`s a tree where the doves go to die
There`s a piece that was torn from the morning
And it hangs in the gallery of frost
Ay, ay, ay, ay
Take this waltz, take this waltz
Take this waltz with the clamp on its jaws

Oh I want you, I want you, I want you
On a chair with a dead magazine
In the cave at the tip of the lily
In some hallways where loves never been
On a bed where the moon has been sweating
In a cry filled with footsteps and sand
Ay, ay, ay, ay
Take this waltz, take this waltz
Take its broken waist in your hand

This waltz, this waltz, this waltz, this waltz
With its very own breath of brandy and death
Dragging its tail in the sea

There`s a concert hall in Vienna
Where your mouth had a thousand reviews
There`s a bar where the boys have stopped talking
They`ve been sentenced to death by the blues
Ah, but who is it climbs to your picture
With a garland of freshly cut tears?
Ay, ay, ay, ay
Take this waltz, take this waltz
Take this waltz its been dying for years

Theres an attic where children are playing
Where Ive got to lie down with you soon
In a dream of Hungarian lanterns
In the mist of some sweet afternoon
And Ill see what youve chained to your sorrow
All your sheep and your lilies of snow
Ay, ay, ay, ay
Take this waltz, take this waltz
With its Ill never forget you, you know!

This waltz, this waltz, this waltz, this waltz ...

And Ill dance with you in Vienna
Ill be wearing a rivers disguise
The hyacinth wild on my shoulder,
My mouth on the dew of your thighs
And I`ll bury my soul in a scrapbook,
With the photographs there, and the moss
And I`ll yield to the flood of your beauty
My cheap violin and my cross
And you`ll carry me down on your dancing
To the pools that you lift on your wrist
Oh my love, oh my love
Take this waltz, take this waltz, it`s yours now. It`s all that there is.

joi, 13 august 2009

Top 10 lucruri pe care mi le doresc cel mai mult

1. Sa ma plimb haihui prin lume, pana la sfarsitul vietii mele.

2. Sa ma duc la toate concertele Rolling Stones, pana la sfarsitul vietii lor.

3. Sa nu mai vad copii schingiuiti si pusi sa cerseasca la fantana de la Universitate, la biserica de pe Magheru si in general pe oriunde trec. Si niciodata in viata lor copiii sa nu mai fie chinuiti.

4. Sa nu moara niciodata cainele meu.

5. Sa moara stirile de la ora 5

6. Sa-l intalnesc pe Chuck Norris.

7. Sa vad o cursa F1 pe circuitul de la Monaco.

8. Sa inteleg cum functioneaza bursa.

9. Sa nu mai vad femei urate.

10. Sa reusesc sa desenez un cal.

miercuri, 12 august 2009

Update despre libertate

Un contemporan (Liiceanu) spune ca in zilele noastre, bineinteles, nu exista libertati absolute, pentru ca omul nu stie cum sa prioritizeze si libertatea prea multor alegeri il deturneaza de la parcursul lui firesc. De aceea exista un numar limitat de alegeri politice pe care un om le poate face, de confesiuni spirituale spre care se poate apleca and so on.

Discurs despre sexualitate

In discutiile de zi cu zi ale oamenilor despre sex mi-am dat seama ca, in mare, sunt doar doua moduri in care este tratata tema:

Modul trivial
Sexualitatea apare in discutiile “de baieti”, despre oile de Dorobanti, fotbal, vecina de la 5, experimente pe Private Spice, primele experiente din adolescenta (apropo de asta, trebuie sa revin separat cu povestea despre coaja de rosie :D:D).

In injuraturi mai apare sexualitatea triviala, si atunci tocmai de-aia sensurile s-au denaturat si sexul devine derizoriu si vulgar. Nu zici "dragoste" - zici "sex", nu zici nici macar “fac sex” - zici f**, nu zici “vreau sa fac dragoste cu tine”, zici “ce ti-as trage-o”. And so on.

Modul rusinos
Aici e vorba despre discutii in soapta, in care uneori nici macar nu pronunti cuvintele, ci gasesti corespondente pentru ele. Zici “ne-am pus” pentru “am facut sex”, zici “acolo jos” si numesti organul sexual, zici “eu si X am facut-o” in loc de “am facut dragoste cu X”.

In anul de gratie 2009 sunt inca parinti care isi educa copiii sub stigmatul rusinii sexuale, sunt cupluri care nu se privesc in ochi cand fac dragoste, sunt colegi de serviciu care refuza sa gandeasca ca si seful lor face sex din cand in cand, sunt barbati de 50 de ani rusinati la gandul ca ar putea sa mai si schimbe pozitia dupa 30 de ani de casnicie.

Au uitat oamenii ca sexualitatea e unul din daturile acestei lumi? Ca oamenii nu se pot inmulti decat daca implinesc actul sexual? Ca fericirea noastra zilnica este rezultatul hormonal al frecventei actului sexual?

Ca nu este nimic rusinos si trivial in a privi pielea celuilalt, in a-ti lamuri curiozitatile sexuale impreuna cu cel/cea care ti le incita, in a citi carti despre sex, in a umbla teleleu cu mintea :)

Cum ar fi ca oamenii sa se elibereze de limitari?

luni, 10 august 2009


Astazi, teoretizam despre libertate si senzatia mea ca intr-un context social asumat de toti ca functional ea este oricum, numai neingradita nu.

Nu esti liber in relatia cu oamenii: nu le poti spune toate lucrurile pe care de alminteri le gandesti pentru ca de cele mai multe ori fie ranesti, deranjezi sau jignesti.

Nu il poti imagina pe Iisus dpdv sexual pentru ca morala crestina te-a invatat Rusinea.

Nu poti sa spui la modul absolut ca esti liber sa mergi in orice loc vrei, pentru ca pe rand: in unele tari iti trebuie viza, in altele e malarie sau razboi iar pentru altele nu-ti ajung banii

Intr-un sistem ierarhic in care deasupra ta exista cateva praguri, atunci toate libertatile tale cedeaza in fata libertatilor superiorilor ierarhic: este o indatorire ca ei sa-ti spuna ce cred despre tine si este o incalcare a ierarhiei ca tu sa spui ce crezi despre ei.

Nu exista doi: din doi trebuie ales unul, nu exista nuante.

Nu poti alege ce e bun pentru tine, pentru ca bun inseamna ce e agreat colectiv ca fiind bun.

Ce fac oamenii cu atata libertate?

50 things you never knew about the London Underground (!!!)

  1. There is only one tube station name which does not have any letters of the word "mackerel" in it - St John's Wood.
  2. There are only two tube stations which have all five vowels in them - Mansion House and South Ealing.
  3. Considering there are 287 tube stations, things 1 and 2 are quite surprising.
  4. Chancery Lane has the shortest escalator on the system - 50 steps.
  5. Travelling on the tube for 40 minutes is the equivalent of smoking two cigarettes - so save yourself a packet, all you smokers and get on the tube more often.
  6. The shortest distance between tube stations is Leicester Square and Covent Garden on the Piccadilly line - 0.16 miles.
  7. The most popular route for tourists is Leicester Square to Covent Garden on the Piccadilly line. It is quicker to walk this distance than travel on the tube.
  8. The only tube station which shares the name of a well known pop group is All Saints (yeah I know it's on the Docklands Light Railway - but it's still on the tube map).
  9. The phrase "Mind the Gap" originated on the Northern line.
  10. The Jubilee line was originally going to be called the Fleet line.
  11. Northfields station on the Piccadilly line was the first to use kestrels and hawks to kill pigeons and stop them setting up homes in stations.
  12. The Central line covers the longest route - from West Ruislip to Epping you will travel 34 miles without changing.
  13. The Waterloo and City line covers the shortest route - 2 kilometres, but considering it only covers two stations - Waterloo and Bank, it doesn't take Stephen Hawkins to work that one out.
  14. The oldest tube line in the world is the Metropolitan line. It opened on the 10th January 1863.
  15. Tube carriages originally had no windows and buttoned upholstery and were nicknamed "padded cells". No change there then.
  16. Men have to sit with their legs apart when travelling on the tube. This is due to special magnetic fibres on the upholstery of the seats which interacts with testosterone to provide an antimagnetic outward force. :))))
  17. Julian Lloyd Webber was London Underground's first official busker - I didn't know he needed the money that badly.
  18. More of the London Underground is open than in a tunnel. Tell yourself this fact if you suffer from claustrophobia.
  19. Bank has more escalators than any other station on the tube - 15 plus two moving walkways - count em!
  20. Out of the 287 stations, only 29 are south of the river Thames.
  21. One of the female automated voice announcers is called Sonia - because her voice "gets on yer nerves".
  22. Fish and Parcels is the slang name for the District Line. It should be Pony and Trap.
  23. Edward Johnston designed the font for the London Underground in 1916.
  24. The peak hour for tube suicides is 11am.
  25. The Jubilee Line Extension was the most expensive railway line ever built. It cost USD 330 million per kilometre. Shame they didn't make the platforms and the trains bigger though.
  26. All 409 escalators do the equivalent of two round the world trips every week.
  27. Amersham is not only the most westerly station on the tube it is also the highest - 150 metres above sea level.
  28. People were smaller when the carriages were built in the 1860's - which is one of the reasons why you'll find your journey so uncomfortable today.
  29. Harry Beck, designer of the tube map in 1933, was only paid five guineas for his original job. His design is still the basis of today's tube map.
  30. The first escalator was introduced at Earls Court in 1911.
  31. Gladstone and Dr Barnado were the only people to ever have their coffins transported by tube. (!!!)
  32. Not only were the early escalators made of wood, but also the legs of the people who demonstrated them. Wooden legged Bumper Harris was employed to travel up and down the tube's first escalator to prove that it was safe.
  33. Angel has Western Europe's longest escalator - 318 steps.
  34. Mosquitoes that live in the underground have evolved into a completely different species, one that appears separated from the above ground mozzie by over a thousand years.
  35. Regent's Park, Piccadilly Circus, Hyde Park Corner and Bank are some of the few stations which do not have an above ground surface building.
  36. The air in the underground is on average 10°C hotter than the air on the surface.
  37. People who commit suicide by throwing themselves under tube are called "one-unders". In New York they are known as "track pizza". Choose your preference.
  38. Pigeons regularly travel from West Ham in east London to central London on the tube in order to get more food.
  39. The best places to spot mice running around the tracks of the underground are Waterloo station (northbound on the Bakerloo line) and any platform at Oxford Circus.
  40. Green grapes cause more accidents on the London Underground than banana skins. :)))
  41. Anthea Turner and her sister Wendy have written a series of children's books about mice living on the London Underground. An estimated half a million mice live in the Underground system so that should keep them both busy for a while.
  42. Only one person was ever born in a tube carriage and her name is Thelma Ursula Beatrice Eleanor - check out her initials. She was born in 1924 on a Bakerloo line train at Elephant & Castle.
  43. The Gappe is a little known bird/bat like creature, which only tube announcers can see and we are often told to mind them.
  44. Victoria and King's Cross record the highest number of tube suicides each year. This isn't surprising as Victoria is the tube's busiest station with 85 million passengers each year and King's Cross has 70 million passengers each year.
  45. Aldwych station (now closed) is featured on level 12 in the Tomb Raider game with Lara Croft killing rats.
  46. Christopher Lee and Donald Pleasance starred in a 1970s horror film called Death Line (a.k.a Raw Meat), where man eating troglodytes terrorised people on the London Underground.
  47. The Cadbury's Whole Nut chocolate bar is the biggest seller in the chocolate machines at tube stations.
  48. A fragrance called "Madeleine" was introduced at St James Park, Euston and Piccadilly station in an effort to make the tube smell better on 23rd March 2001. It was taken out of action on 24th March 2001 as it was making people feel sick.
  49. The sexiest film scene featuring the London Underground is The Wings of the Dove. Helena Bonham Carter and Linus Roache travel in a 19th century carriage together, then get off and make love in a lift. Who said there's no romance on the tube?
  50. Speaking of doves, buskers cannot sing.